Decreased by -0.02%
Dollar volume (20D)
53.18 M
Earnings report date
May 22, 2024
Shares float
103.71 M
Shares short
5.82 M [5.61%]
Shares outstanding
285.64 M
Market cap
13.70 B
20D range
42.13 50.01
50D range
42.13 51.90
200D range
38.50 71.27

Sociedad QuĂ­mica y Minera de Chile S.A. produces and distributes specialty plant nutrients, iodine derivatives, lithium derivatives, potassium chloride and sulfate, industrial chemicals, and other products and services.

The company offers specialty plant nutrients, including potassium nitrate, sodium nitrate, sodium potassium nitrate, specialty blends, and other specialty fertilizers.

It also provides iodine and its derivatives for use in medical, pharmaceutical, agricultural, and industrial applications comprising x-ray contrast media, polarizing films for LCD and LED, antiseptics, biocides and disinfectants, pharmaceutical synthesis, electronics, pigments, and dye components.

In addition, the company offers lithium carbonates for various applications that include electrochemical materials for batteries, frits for the ceramic and enamel industries, heat-resistant glass, air conditioning chemicals, continuous casting powder for steel extrusion, primary aluminum smelting process, pharmaceuticals, and lithium derivatives, as well as ingredient in manufacturing of gunpowder.

Further, it supplies lithium hydroxide for the lubricating greases industry, as well as cathodes for batteries.

Additionally, it offers potassium chloride and potassium sulfate for various crops, including corn, rice, sugar, soybean, and wheat; industrial chemicals, including sodium nitrate, potassium nitrate, potassium chloride, and solar salts; and other fertilizers and blends.

The company operates in Chile, Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe, North America, Asia, and internationally.

The company was founded in 1960 and is headquartered in Santiago, Chile.

  • Quarterly earnings
  • Annual earnings
Reported date EPSChange YoY EstimateSurprise
May 22, 24 0.00
Decreased by -100.00%
Decreased by -100.00%
Feb 28, 24 0.00
Decreased by -100.00%
Decreased by -100.00%
Nov 15, 23 1.68
Decreased by -56.36%
Decreased by -20.38%
Aug 16, 23 2.03
Decreased by -32.56%
Decreased by -19.76%
May 18, 23 2.63
Decreased by -5.73%
Decreased by -13.77%
Mar 2, 23 4.03
Increased by +256.64%
Increased by +8.04%
Nov 16, 22 3.85
Increased by +940.54%
Increased by +13.91%
Aug 18, 22 3.01
Increased by +870.97%
Decreased by -2.90%
  • Quarterly financials
  • Annual financials
Fiscal ending date RevenueChange YoY IncomeChange YoY ProfitChange YoY
Sep 30, 23 1.84 B
Decreased by -37.79%
479.37 M
Decreased by -56.42%
Increased by +26.05%
Decreased by -29.94%
Jun 30, 23 2.05 B
Decreased by -21.05%
580.23 M
Decreased by -32.47%
Increased by +28.28%
Decreased by -14.47%
Mar 31, 23 3.13 B
Increased by +189.00%
1.15 B
Increased by +257.93%
Increased by +36.73%
Increased by +23.85%
Dec 31, 22 3.13 B
Increased by +189.00%
1.15 B
Increased by +257.93%
Increased by +36.73%
Increased by +23.85%
Sep 30, 22 2.96 B
Increased by +347.18%
1.10 B
Increased by +936.64%
Increased by +37.18%
Increased by +131.82%
Jun 30, 22 2.60 B
Increased by +341.98%
859.26 M
Increased by +856.85%
Increased by +33.06%
Increased by +116.49%
Mar 31, 22 1.08 B
Increased by +105.17%
321.58 M
Increased by +373.10%
Increased by +29.66%
Increased by +130.59%
Dec 31, 21 1.08 B
Increased by +111.03%
321.58 M
Increased by +379.97%
Increased by +29.66%
Increased by +127.44%
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