Decreased by -3.42%
Dollar Volume (20D)
194.5 K
Shares Float
31.45 M
Shares Outstanding
8.83 M
Shares Short
44.65 K
Market Cap.
774.23 M
Price / Earnings
20D Range
10.66 12.38
50D Range
10.66 12.95
200D Range
9.33 17.25
  • Quarterly Earnings
  • Annual Earnings
Reported Date EPSChange YoY EstimateSurprise
Sep 30, 23 0.38 -
  • Quarterly Financials
  • Annual Financials
Fiscal ending date RevenueChange YoY IncomeChange YoY ProfitChange YoY
Sep 30, 23 186.97 M
Increased by +36.55%
19.46 M
Decreased by -27.66%
Increased by +10.41%
Decreased by -47.02%
Jun 30, 23 137.47 M
Decreased by -0.86%
7.56 M
Decreased by -77.3%
Increased by +5.5%
Decreased by -77.1%
Mar 31, 23 166.36 M
Increased by +7.41%
25.26 M
Decreased by -39.1%
Increased by +15.18%
Decreased by -43.3%
Dec 31, 22 135.23 M
Increased by +54.53%
14.39 M
Decreased by -22.81%
Increased by +10.64%
Decreased by -50.05%
Sep 30, 22 136.93 M
Increased by +79.28%
26.91 M
Increased by +282.44%
Increased by +19.65%
Increased by +113.33%
Jun 30, 22 138.66 M
Increased by +82.3%
33.28 M
Increased by +234.74%
Increased by +24%
Increased by +83.62%
Mar 31, 22 154.88 M
Increased by +256.42%
41.47 M
Increased by +900.99%
Increased by +26.78%
Increased by +180.85%
Dec 31, 21 87.51 M
Increased by +71.09%
18.64 M
Increased by +492.71%
Increased by +21.3%
Increased by +329.53%
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Ramaco Resources, Inc. engages in the development, operation, and sale of metallurgical coal. Its development portfolio includes the Elk Creek project that covers an area of approximately 20,200 acres located in southern West Virginia; the Berwind property covering an area of approximately 62,500 acres situated on the border of West Virginia and Virginia; the Knox Creek property, which covers an area of approximately 64,050 acres is located in Virginia; the Maben property covering an area of approximately 28,000 acres situated in southwestern Pennsylvania southern West Virginia; and the Brook Mine property that covers an area of approximately 16,000 acres located in northeastern Wyoming. The company serves blast furnace steel mills and coke plants in the United States, as well as metallurgical coal consumers internationally. Ramaco Resources, Inc. was founded in 2015 and is headquartered in Lexington, Kentucky.