Increased by +1.22%
Dollar volume (20D)
4.55 M
Earnings report date
Aug 1, 2024
Shares float
Shares short
801.81 K [N/A%]
Shares outstanding
85.59 M
Market cap
915.82 M
20D range
9.91 10.84
50D range
9.90 10.84
200D range
9.74 12.15

BlackRock TCP Capital Corp. is a business development company specializing in direct equity and debt investments in middle-market, small businesses, debt securities, senior secured loans, junior loans, originated loans, mezzanine, senior debt instruments, bonds, and secondary-market investments.

It typically invests in communication services, public relations services, television, wireless telecommunication services, apparel, textile mills, restaurants, retailing, energy, oil and gas extraction, Patent owners and Lessors, Federal and Federally- Sponsored Credit agencies, insurance, hospital and healthcare centers, Biotechnology, engineering services, heavy electrical equipment, tax accounting, scientific and related consulting services, charter freight air transportation, Information technology consulting, application hosting services, software diagram and design, computer aided design, communication equipment, electronics manufacturing equipment, computer components, chemicals.

It seeks to invest in the United States.

The fund typically invests between $10 million and $35 million in companies with enterprise values between $100 million and $1500 million including complex situations.

It prefers to make equity investments in companies for an ownership stake.

  • Quarterly earnings
  • Annual earnings
Reported date EPSChange YoY EstimateSurprise
May 1, 24 0.45
Increased by +4.65%
Increased by +2.27%
Feb 29, 24 0.44
Increased by +12.82%
Decreased by -6.38%
Nov 2, 23 0.49
Increased by +16.67%
Increased by +4.26%
Aug 3, 23 0.48
Increased by +29.73%
Increased by +11.63%
May 4, 23 0.43
Increased by +26.47%
Increased by +4.88%
Feb 28, 23 0.39
Increased by +25.81%
Nov 3, 22 0.42
Increased by +31.25%
Increased by +20.00%
Aug 3, 22 0.37
Increased by +19.35%
Increased by +15.62%
  • Quarterly financials
  • Annual financials
Fiscal ending date RevenueChange YoY IncomeChange YoY ProfitChange YoY
Mar 31, 24 55.73 M
Increased by +116.38%
28.26 M
Increased by +24.42%
Increased by +50.71%
Decreased by -42.50%
Dec 31, 23 50.35 M
Decreased by -63.03%
-13.31 M
Increased by +90.91%
Decreased by -26.44%
Increased by +75.40%
Sep 30, 23 14.48 M
Decreased by -48.45%
12.82 M
Decreased by -66.48%
Increased by +88.57%
Decreased by -34.98%
Jun 30, 23 18.37 M
Increased by +787.37%
16.25 M
Increased by +12.79 K%
Increased by +88.48%
Increased by +1.53 K%
Mar 31, 23 25.76 M
Increased by +75.89%
22.71 M
Increased by +82.46%
Increased by +88.19%
Increased by +3.73%
Dec 31, 22 136.21 M
Increased by +280.26%
-146.42 M
Decreased by -549.37%
Decreased by -107.50%
Decreased by -218.17%
Sep 30, 22 28.08 M
Increased by +47.07%
38.25 M
Increased by +251.07%
Increased by +136.22%
Increased by +138.71%
Jun 30, 22 2.07 M
Decreased by -96.37%
-128.07 K
Decreased by -100.23%
Decreased by -6.19%
Decreased by -106.43%
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