Decreased by -9.66%
Dollar volume (20D)
1.63 M
Shares float
Shares short
0.00 [N/A%]
Shares outstanding
Market cap
20D range
0.94 2.27
50D range
0.94 2.27
200D range
0.81 8.37

Syra Health Corp., a healthcare services company, provides solutions in behavioral and mental health, population health, digital health, health education, and healthcare workforce in the United States.

The company Syrenity, behavioral and mental health application that identifies and prevents the progression of negative factors that can influence individuals' mental health, by offering targeted assignments, education, monitoring symptoms, and providing interventions; digital health products, such as SyraBot that automates manual tasks to streamline healthcare professional care, aiding patients in identifying health warning signs, encouraging therapy and medical regimens, and space for patients to share personal information; and CarePlus, a customizable templates, e-prescribing, laboratory integration, and patient portal access.

It offers analytics as a service which includes data collection, traditional to advanced analytics, predictive analytics, risk stratification, intervention analytics, spatial analytics gap analysis, analytics workforce public policy, and research; epidemiology, and health equity analytics solutions.

In addition, the company offers medical communications, patient education, and healthcare training; and recruits nurses and allied health professionals for long-term fixed contract positions at hospitals and healthcare facilities.

It serves mental health hospitals and organizations, including government agencies, integrated health networks, managed care entities, and pharmaceutical manufacturers.

Syra Health Corp. was incorporated in 2020 and is headquartered in Carmel, Indiana.

  • Quarterly earnings
  • Annual earnings
Reported date EPSChange YoY EstimateSurprise
  • Quarterly financials
  • Annual financials
Fiscal ending date RevenueChange YoY IncomeChange YoY ProfitChange YoY
Sep 30, 23 1.58 M
Increased by +4.45%
-354.38 K
Increased by +0.04%
Decreased by -22.41%
Increased by +4.30%
Jun 30, 23 979.25 K
Increased by +N/A%
-802.80 K
Decreased by N/A%
Decreased by -81.98%
Mar 31, 23 1.19 M
Increased by +N/A%
-785.89 K
Decreased by N/A%
Decreased by -66.13%
Dec 31, 22 1.97 M - -612.63 K -
Decreased by -31.17%
Sep 30, 22 1.51 M - -354.54 K -
Decreased by -23.42%
Jun 30, 22 N/A - N/A - - -
Mar 31, 22 N/A - N/A - - -
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