Decreased by -1.56%
Dollar Volume (20D)
27.82 K
Shares Float
72.72 M
Shares Outstanding
110 M
Shares Short
14.36 K
Market Cap.
19.02 M
Price / Earnings
20D Range
0.16 0.26
50D Range
0.16 0.33
200D Range
0.1 4.46
  • Quarterly Earnings
  • Annual Earnings
Reported Date EPSChange YoY EstimateSurprise
Jan 18, 23 0.09 -
Sep 21, 22 0.03 -
Jun 15, 22 0.03 -
  • Quarterly Financials
  • Annual Financials
Fiscal ending date RevenueChange YoY IncomeChange YoY ProfitChange YoY
Mar 31, 23 1.8 M
Increased by +0%
900.59 K
Increased by +0%
Increased by +50.07%
Decreased by -0%
Dec 31, 22 1.8 M
Increased by +127.22%
900.59 K
Increased by +148.84%
Increased by +50.07%
Increased by +9.52%
Sep 30, 22 1.8 M
Increased by +127.22%
900.59 K
Increased by +148.84%
Increased by +50.07%
Increased by +9.52%
Jun 30, 22 1.8 M
Increased by +127.22%
900.59 K
Increased by +148.84%
Increased by +50.07%
Increased by +9.52%
Mar 31, 22 1.8 M
Increased by +127.22%
900.59 K
Increased by +148.84%
Increased by +50.07%
Increased by +9.52%
Dec 31, 21 791.56 K
Increased by +1.96 K%
361.91 K
Increased by +805.64%
Increased by +45.72%
Increased by +134.29%
Sep 30, 21 791.56 K
Increased by +1.96 K%
361.91 K
Increased by +805.64%
Increased by +45.72%
Increased by +134.29%
Jun 30, 21 791.56 K
Increased by +1.96 K%
361.91 K
Increased by +805.64%
Increased by +45.72%
Increased by +134.29%
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Starbox Group Holdings Ltd., through its subsidiaries, engages in the provision of cash rebate and digital advertising services to retail merchant advertisers through websites and mobile apps in Malaysia. It connects retail merchants with individual online and offline shoppers to facilitate transactions through cash rebate programs offered by retail merchants. The company operates GETBATS website and mobile app that feature cash rebates from merchants in industries, such as automotive, beauty and health, books and media, electronics, fashion, food and beverages, groceries and pets, home and living, and sports and entertainment; SEEBATS website and mobile app, a video streaming platform, which designs and optimizes online advertisements, and distribute advertisements for various industries, including luxury property development, medical services, retail jewelry sales, and real estate agencies; and PAYBATS websites and mobile app, an e-payment solution that provides payment solutions to merchants. In addition, it is involved in the licensing of customized software systems, including AI Rebates Calculation Engine System; provision of brand-building-related consulting, market research, advertisement idea conceptualization, brand positioning proposals, and final proposals and solutions; photography, video recording, audio recording, script development, and equipment rental, to post-production editing; and marketing and promotional campaign services, as well as media booking agency services to sell advertisement lots on behalf of media companies. The company was founded in 2019 and is based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.