Decreased by -0.16%
Dollar volume (20D)
354.30 M
Earnings report date
May 1, 2024
Shares float
422.34 M
Shares short
7.99 M [1.89%]
Shares outstanding
423.95 M
Market cap
61.51 B
20D range
138.63 159.86
50D range
138.63 174.08
200D range
104.69 174.08

Phillips 66 operates as an energy manufacturing and logistics company in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and internationally.

It operates through four segments: Midstream, Chemicals, Refining, and Marketing and Specialties (M&S).

The Midstream segment transports crude oil and other feedstocks; delivers refined petroleum products to market; provides terminaling and storage services for crude oil and refined petroleum products; transports, stores, fractionates, exports, and markets natural gas liquids; provides other fee-based processing services; and gathers, processes, transports, and markets natural gas.

The Chemicals segment produces and markets ethylene and other olefin products; aromatics and styrenics products, such as benzene, cyclohexane, styrene, and polystyrene; and various specialty chemical products, including organosulfur chemicals, solvents, catalysts, and chemicals used in drilling and mining.

The Refining segment refines crude oil and other feedstocks into petroleum products, such as gasolines, distillates, aviation, and renewable.

The M&S segment purchases for resale and markets refined petroleum products, including gasolines, distillates, and aviation fuels.

This segment also manufactures and markets specialty products, such as base oils and lubricants.

Phillips 66 was founded in 1875 and is headquartered in Houston, Texas.

  • Quarterly earnings
  • Annual earnings
Reported date EPSChange YoY EstimateSurprise
Jan 31, 24 3.09
Decreased by -22.75%
Increased by +31.49%
Oct 27, 23 4.63
Decreased by -28.33%
Decreased by -2.73%
Aug 2, 23 3.87
Decreased by -42.84%
Increased by +8.71%
May 3, 23 4.21
Increased by +218.94%
Increased by +18.26%
Jan 31, 23 4.00
Increased by +36.05%
Decreased by -8.05%
Nov 1, 22 6.46
Increased by +103.14%
Increased by +28.17%
Jul 29, 22 6.77
Increased by +814.86%
Increased by +13.40%
Apr 29, 22 1.32
Increased by +213.79%
Increased by +3.13%
  • Quarterly financials
  • Annual financials
Fiscal ending date RevenueChange YoY IncomeChange YoY ProfitChange YoY
Dec 31, 23 38.27 B
Decreased by -4.99%
1.26 B
Decreased by -33.05%
Increased by +3.29%
Decreased by -29.54%
Sep 30, 23 39.64 B
Decreased by -11.82%
2.10 B
Decreased by -61.14%
Increased by +5.28%
Decreased by -55.93%
Jun 30, 23 35.09 B
Decreased by -27.76%
1.69 B
Decreased by -46.51%
Increased by +4.83%
Decreased by -25.95%
Mar 31, 23 34.40 B
Decreased by -4.93%
1.96 B
Increased by +236.43%
Increased by +5.69%
Increased by +253.87%
Dec 31, 22 40.28 B
Increased by +23.54%
1.88 B
Increased by +47.84%
Increased by +4.67%
Increased by +19.67%
Sep 30, 22 44.95 B
Increased by +48.65%
5.39 B
Increased by +1.24 K%
Increased by +11.99%
Increased by +802.17%
Jun 30, 22 48.58 B
Increased by +79.90%
3.17 B
Increased by +977.21%
Increased by +6.52%
Increased by +498.78%
Mar 31, 22 36.18 B
Increased by +67.29%
582.00 M
Increased by +188.99%
Increased by +1.61%
Increased by +153.20%
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