Decreased by -2.54%
Dollar volume (20D)
124.88 M
Earnings report date
May 9, 2024
Shares float
62.94 M
Shares short
2.55 M [4.04%]
Shares outstanding
63.06 M
Market cap
12.77 B
20D range
192.03 231.67
50D range
192.03 270.73
200D range
149.54 270.73

NICE Ltd., together with its subsidiaries, provides cloud platforms for AI-driven digital business solutions worldwide.

It offers CXone, a cloud native open platform; Enlighten, an AI engine for the customer engagement market; and smart self service enable organizations to address consumers' needs; and journey orchestration solutions that empower organizations to connect and route customers to deal with the customer's request, and connects them using real time AI-based routing.

The company provides smart self service solutions that empower organizations to build intelligent automated conversations based on data; and prepared agent solutions and tools enable contact center agents to guide and alert them in real time; provides solutions that help organizations to record structured and unstructured customer interaction and transaction data; and NICE Evidencentral, an digital evidence management platform for public safety emergency communications, law enforcement, and criminal justice helps agencies.

In addition, it offers X-Sight, is an open and flexible AI-cloud platform for financial crime and compliance; Xceed, a cloud platform for comprehensive AML and fraud prevention for small and mid-sized organizations; data intelligence solutions that enable organizations to turn raw data into comprehensive actionable intelligence to prevent and detect financial crimes; AI and analytics technologies to detect and prevent financial crimes in real-time; money laundering and fraud prevention solutions that help organizations adhere to capital markets compliance and anti-money laundering compliance regulations; intelligent investigations solutions; and self-service solutions that provide organizations with customization and self-development capabilities.

The company was formerly known as NICE-Systems Ltd. and changed its name to NICE Ltd. in June 2016.

NICE Ltd. was founded in 1986 and is headquartered in Ra'anana, Israel.

  • Quarterly earnings
  • Annual earnings
Reported date EPSChange YoY EstimateSurprise
May 9, 24 0.00
Decreased by -100.00%
Decreased by -100.00%
Feb 22, 24 2.36
Increased by +15.69%
Increased by +4.42%
Nov 16, 23 2.27
Increased by +18.23%
Increased by +5.58%
Aug 17, 23 2.13
Increased by +14.52%
Increased by +3.40%
May 11, 23 2.03
Increased by +12.78%
Increased by +2.53%
Feb 23, 23 2.04
Increased by +17.92%
Increased by +5.70%
Nov 10, 22 1.92
Increased by +14.29%
Increased by +2.67%
Aug 18, 22 1.86
Increased by +18.47%
Increased by +3.91%
  • Quarterly financials
  • Annual financials
Fiscal ending date RevenueChange YoY IncomeChange YoY ProfitChange YoY
Sep 30, 23 601.34 M
Increased by +8.40%
92.35 M
Increased by +29.63%
Increased by +15.36%
Increased by +19.58%
Jun 30, 23 581.11 M
Increased by +9.52%
87.36 M
Increased by +33.22%
Increased by +15.03%
Increased by +21.64%
Mar 31, 23 571.86 M
Increased by +10.94%
76.94 M
Increased by +50.39%
Increased by +13.45%
Increased by +35.56%
Dec 31, 22 568.56 M
Increased by +10.30%
71.19 M
Increased by +39.14%
Increased by +12.52%
Increased by +26.15%
Sep 30, 22 554.72 M
Increased by +13.12%
71.25 M
Increased by +51.32%
Increased by +12.84%
Increased by +33.77%
Jun 30, 22 530.58 M
Increased by +16.35%
65.57 M
Increased by +46.43%
Increased by +12.36%
Increased by +25.85%
Mar 31, 22 515.47 M
Increased by +13.29%
51.16 M
Decreased by -2.02%
Increased by +9.93%
Decreased by -13.51%
Dec 31, 21 515.47 M
Increased by +18.61%
51.16 M
Decreased by -6.85%
Increased by +9.93%
Decreased by -21.47%
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