Decreased by -8.53%
Dollar volume (20D)
186.88 M
Earnings report date
Aug 1, 2024
Shares float
178.56 M
Shares short
25.64 M [14.36%]
Shares outstanding
179.92 M
Market cap
2.97 B
20D range
12.98 18.77
50D range
12.76 18.77
200D range
12.76 29.18

Livent Corporation manufactures and sells performance lithium compounds primarily used in lithium-based batteries, specialty polymers, and chemical synthesis applications in North America, Latin America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and the Asia Pacific.

The company offers lithium compounds for use in applications that have specific performance requirements, including battery-grade lithium hydroxide for use in high performance lithium-ion batteries; and butyllithium, which is used in the production of polymers and pharmaceutical products, as well as a range of specialty lithium compounds, including high purity lithium metal, which is used in non-rechargeable batteries and the production of lightweight materials for aerospace applications.

It also provides lithium phosphate, pharmaceutical-grade lithium carbonate, high purity lithium chloride, and specialty organics; and lithium carbonate and lithium chloride for use as feedstock in the process of producing performance lithium compounds.

The company was founded in 1940 and is headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

  • Quarterly earnings
  • Annual earnings
Reported date EPSChange YoY EstimateSurprise
Oct 31, 23 0.44
Increased by +7.32%
Decreased by -4.35%
Aug 3, 23 0.51
Increased by +37.84%
Increased by +8.51%
May 2, 23 0.60
Increased by +185.71%
Increased by +53.85%
Feb 14, 23 0.40
Increased by +400.00%
Increased by +5.26%
Nov 1, 22 0.41
Increased by +1.27 K%
Increased by +2.50%
Aug 2, 22 0.37
Increased by +825.00%
Increased by +27.59%
May 3, 22 0.21
Increased by +950.00%
Increased by +50.00%
Feb 17, 22 0.08
Increased by +500.00%
Increased by +14.29%
  • Quarterly financials
  • Annual financials
Fiscal ending date RevenueChange YoY IncomeChange YoY ProfitChange YoY
Sep 30, 23 211.40 M
Decreased by -8.72%
87.40 M
Increased by +12.63%
Increased by +41.34%
Increased by +23.39%
Jun 30, 23 235.80 M
Increased by +7.82%
90.20 M
Increased by +50.33%
Increased by +38.25%
Increased by +39.43%
Mar 31, 23 253.50 M
Increased by +76.66%
114.80 M
Increased by +115.79%
Increased by +45.29%
Increased by +22.15%
Dec 31, 22 219.40 M
Increased by +78.52%
82.70 M
Increased by +1.00 K%
Increased by +37.69%
Increased by +517.67%
Sep 30, 22 231.60 M
Increased by +123.55%
77.60 M
Increased by +715.87%
Increased by +33.51%
Increased by +375.49%
Jun 30, 22 218.70 M
Increased by +113.99%
60.00 M
Increased by +823.08%
Increased by +27.43%
Increased by +331.36%
Mar 31, 22 143.50 M
Increased by +56.49%
53.20 M
Increased by +6.75 K%
Increased by +37.07%
Increased by +4.35 K%
Dec 31, 21 122.90 M
Increased by +49.51%
7.50 M
Increased by +250.00%
Increased by +6.10%
Increased by +200.33%
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