Decreased by -8.55%
Dollar Volume (20D)
52.25 K
Shares Float
Shares Outstanding
Shares Short
Market Cap.
Price / Earnings
20D Range
0.07 0.18
50D Range
0.05 0.55
200D Range
0.05 1.74
  • Quarterly Earnings
  • Annual Earnings
Reported Date EPSChange YoY EstimateSurprise
  • Quarterly Financials
  • Annual Financials
Fiscal ending date RevenueChange YoY IncomeChange YoY ProfitChange YoY
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JOANN Inc. operates as a specialty retailer of sewing and fabrics, and arts and crafts category products in the United States. The company products in sewing category include cotton fabrics; warm fabrics, such as fleece and flannel fabrics; home decorating and utility fabrics and accessories; fashion and sportswear fabrics; special occasion fabrics; pillow forms; stuffing, batting, and foams; seasonally themed and licensed fabric designs; and sewing construction supplies comprising cutting implements, threads, zippers, trims, tapes, pins, elastic, and buttons, as well as patterns for sewing projects. Its products in arts and crafts, home décor, and other categories consist of yarn and yarn accessories, and needlecraft kits and supplies; paper crafting components; craft materials; fine art materials; sewing machines, craft technology, lighting, irons, organizers, and other products; artificial floral products; seasonal décor and entertaining products; home décor accessories; ready-made frames; comprehensive assortment books and magazines; and non-merchandise services. The company offers its products through retail stores, as well as online. The company was formerly known as Jo-Ann Stores Holdings Inc. and changed its name to JOANN Inc. in February 2021. JOANN Inc. was founded in 1943 and is based in Hudson, Ohio.