Increased by +0.84%
Dollar volume (20D)
18.06 M
Earnings report date
May 30, 2024
Shares float
55.60 M
Shares short
3.88 M [6.97%]
Shares outstanding
128.45 M
Market cap
2.29 B
20D range
17.10 21.41
50D range
17.10 21.41
200D range
14.83 21.41

Jamf Holding Corp. offers a cloud software platform for Apple infrastructure and security platform in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, India, and Africa.

Its products include Jamf Pro, an Apple ecosystem management software solution for IT environments; Jamf Now, a pay-as-you-go Apple device management software solution for small-to-medium-sized businesses; Jamf School, an apple mobile device management for schools; and Jamf Connect, a ZTNA solution that replaces legacy conditional access and VPN technology.

The company also offers Jamf Protect, that provides purpose-built endpoint security and MTD for Mac and mobile devices; Jamf Business Plan, a Apple solution that automates the lifecycle of Apple devices, including device deployment, identity and access, management, and security; Jamf Safe Internet, that help schools protect minors from harmful content on the internet; Jamf Executive Threat Protection, an ADR solution for mobile devices that gives organizations the ability to extract critical device telemetry; Jamf's education apps empower teachers, parents, and students to control, manage, and secure devices inside and outside of the classroom.

It sells its SaaS solutions through a subscription model, direct sales force, and online, as well as indirectly through channel partners, including Apple.

The company was founded in 2002 and is headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

  • Quarterly earnings
  • Annual earnings
Reported date EPSChange YoY EstimateSurprise
May 30, 24 0.14
Increased by +180.00%
Increased by +16.67%
Mar 13, 24 0.13
Increased by +116.67%
Increased by +8.33%
Nov 8, 23 0.08
Increased by +100.00%
Increased by +14.29%
Aug 8, 23 0.05
Increased by +66.67%
Increased by +25.00%
May 4, 23 0.05
Increased by +66.67%
Increased by +150.00%
Feb 28, 23 0.06
Increased by +200.00%
Increased by +50.00%
Nov 9, 22 0.04
Increased by +300.00%
Increased by +33.33%
Aug 4, 22 0.03
Decreased by -50.00%
Increased by +50.00%
  • Quarterly financials
  • Annual financials
Fiscal ending date RevenueChange YoY IncomeChange YoY ProfitChange YoY
Mar 31, 24 152.12 M
Increased by +15.06%
-20.52 M
Increased by +15.19%
Decreased by -13.49%
Increased by +26.29%
Dec 31, 23 150.65 M
Increased by +15.59%
-17.41 M
Increased by +18.00%
Decreased by -11.56%
Increased by +29.06%
Sep 30, 23 142.63 M
Increased by +14.51%
-32.28 M
Decreased by -3.11%
Decreased by -22.63%
Increased by +9.95%
Jun 30, 23 135.09 M
Increased by +16.82%
-36.20 M
Increased by +42.67%
Decreased by -26.80%
Increased by +50.92%
Mar 31, 23 132.21 M
Increased by +22.13%
-24.20 M
Increased by +5.58%
Decreased by -18.30%
Increased by +22.68%
Dec 31, 22 130.32 M
Increased by +25.55%
-21.23 M
Increased by +10.61%
Decreased by -16.29%
Increased by +28.80%
Sep 30, 22 124.56 M
Increased by +30.26%
-31.30 M
Decreased by -3.02%
Decreased by -25.13%
Increased by +20.91%
Jun 30, 22 115.64 M
Increased by +34.09%
-63.14 M
Decreased by -283.43%
Decreased by -54.60%
Decreased by -185.94%
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