Increased by +17.73%
Dollar volume (20D)
5.87 K
Shares float
Shares short
0.00 [N/A%]
Shares outstanding
Market cap
20D range
0.01 0.04
50D range
0.01 0.06
200D range
0.01 0.06

DIH Holding US, Inc. operates as a robotics and virtual reality (VR) technology provider in the rehabilitation industry.

The company's upper extremity product categories include ArmeoPower, a backbone robot for arm and hand therapy in an early stage of rehabilitation; ArmeoSpring for less severe patients that provides self-initiated repetitive arm and hand therapy in an extensive workspace; and Armeo Senso, a sensor-based solution for arm function recovery.

It also provides lower extremity product categories comprising Erigo for gradual verticalization, leg mobilization, and intensive sensorimotor stimulation through cyclic leg loading; Lokomat, a robot-assisted therapy that enables training to increase the strength of muscles and a range of motion of joints in order to improve walking; Andago, a robotics smart control system that assists patients in walking naturally; C-Mill, creates a training environment; CAREN, an Computer Assisted Rehabilitation Environment; and GRAIL, an gait real-time analysis interactive lab solution for analysis training and research.

In addition, the company offers M-Gait, a modular treadmill system; SafeGait, a balance and mobility trainer; and RYSEN, an 3D bodyweight supporter, as well as software products consist of D-Flow and HocoNet.

DIH Holding US, Inc. was founded in 2021 and is based in Norwell, Massachusetts.

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