Increased by +0.69%
Dollar volume (20D)
129.02 M
Earnings report date
Jul 24, 2024
Shares float
117.44 M
Shares short
3.73 M [3.17%]
Shares outstanding
118.81 M
Market cap
6.19 B
20D range
40.32 53.01
50D range
40.32 53.01
200D range
20.22 53.01

Celestica Inc. provides supply chain solutions in North America, Europe, and Asia.

It operates through two segments: Advanced Technology Solutions, and Connectivity & Cloud Solutions.

The company offers a range of product manufacturing and related supply chain services, including design and development, new product introduction, engineering services, component sourcing, electronics manufacturing and assembly, testing, complex mechanical assembly, systems integration, precision machining, order fulfillment, logistics, asset management, product licensing, and after-market repair and return services.

It also provides hardware platform solutions, which includes development of infrastructure platforms, and hardware and software design solutions and services which is used as-is or customized for specific applications; and management of program including design and supply chain, manufacturing, and after-market support, including IT asset disposition and asset management services.

The company offers its products and services to original equipment manufacturers, cloud-based, and other service providers, including hyperscalers, and other companies in aerospace and defense, industrial, HealthTech, capital equipment, and communication and enterprise markets.

Celestica Inc. was incorporated in 1994 and is headquartered in Toronto, Canada.

  • Quarterly earnings
  • Annual earnings
Reported date EPSChange YoY EstimateSurprise
Apr 25, 24 0.86
Increased by +82.98%
Increased by +19.44%
Jan 30, 24 0.76
Increased by +35.71%
Increased by +11.76%
Oct 25, 23 0.65
Increased by +25.00%
Increased by +8.33%
Jul 26, 23 0.55
Increased by +25.00%
Increased by +14.58%
Apr 26, 23 0.47
Increased by +20.51%
Increased by +2.17%
Jan 25, 23 0.56
Increased by +27.27%
Increased by +3.70%
Oct 24, 22 0.52
Increased by +48.57%
Increased by +15.56%
Jul 25, 22 0.44
Increased by +46.67%
Increased by +4.76%
  • Quarterly financials
  • Annual financials
Fiscal ending date RevenueChange YoY IncomeChange YoY ProfitChange YoY
Dec 31, 23 2.20 B
Increased by +7.69%
84.20 M
Increased by +98.58%
Increased by +3.83%
Increased by +84.41%
Sep 30, 23 2.04 B
Increased by +6.24%
80.20 M
Increased by +75.49%
Increased by +3.93%
Increased by +65.19%
Jun 30, 23 1.94 B
Increased by +12.94%
55.50 M
Increased by +55.90%
Increased by +2.86%
Increased by +38.04%
Mar 31, 23 1.84 B
Increased by +17.29%
24.70 M
Increased by +13.30%
Increased by +1.34%
Decreased by -3.40%
Dec 31, 22 2.04 B
Increased by +35.08%
42.40 M
Increased by +32.92%
Increased by +2.08%
Decreased by -1.61%
Sep 30, 22 1.92 B
Increased by +31.07%
45.70 M
Increased by +29.83%
Increased by +2.38%
Decreased by -0.95%
Jun 30, 22 1.72 B
Increased by +20.90%
35.60 M
Increased by +35.36%
Increased by +2.07%
Increased by +11.96%
Mar 31, 22 1.57 B
Increased by +26.88%
21.80 M
Increased by +107.62%
Increased by +1.39%
Increased by +63.63%
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