Decreased by -1.67%
Dollar Volume (20D)
62.99 M
Earnings Report Date (estimate)
Aug 1, 24
Shares Float
62.97 M
Shares Outstanding
63.58 M
Shares Short
1.03 M
Market Cap.
6.24 B
Price / Earnings
20D Range
92 103.75
50D Range
82.92 103.75
200D Range
68.5 103.75
  • Quarterly Earnings
  • Annual Earnings
Reported Date EPSChange YoY EstimateSurprise
May 2, 24 0.41
Decreased by -37.88%
Increased by +36.67%
Feb 27, 24 1.71
Increased by +22.14%
Increased by +3.01%
Nov 2, 23 2.84
Increased by +7.98%
Increased by +8.81%
Aug 3, 23 2.65
Increased by +7.72%
Increased by +16.74%
May 4, 23 0.66
Decreased by -29.03%
Increased by +6.45%
Feb 23, 23 1.4
Decreased by -4.76%
Increased by +15.7%
Nov 3, 22 2.63
Increased by +67.52%
Increased by +27.05%
Aug 4, 22 2.46
Increased by +42.2%
Increased by +6.49%
  • Quarterly Financials
  • Annual Financials
Fiscal ending date RevenueChange YoY IncomeChange YoY ProfitChange YoY
Dec 31, 23 2.3 B
Increased by +16.76%
95.1 M
Increased by +29.74%
Increased by +4.14%
Increased by +11.12%
Sep 30, 23 2.58 B
Increased by +7%
161.3 M
Increased by +4.2%
Increased by +6.24%
Decreased by -2.62%
Jun 30, 23 2.5 B
Increased by +6.17%
153.8 M
Decreased by -11.86%
Increased by +6.14%
Decreased by -16.98%
Mar 31, 23 1.73 B
Increased by +2.69%
24.8 M
Decreased by -55.56%
Increased by +1.43%
Decreased by -56.72%
Dec 31, 22 1.97 B
Increased by +12.22%
73.3 M
Increased by +7.79%
Increased by +3.72%
Decreased by -3.95%
Sep 30, 22 2.42 B
Increased by +28.78%
154.8 M
Increased by +47.71%
Increased by +6.41%
Increased by +14.7%
Jun 30, 22 2.36 B
Increased by +25.97%
174.5 M
Increased by +128.1%
Increased by +7.4%
Increased by +81.08%
Mar 31, 22 1.69 B
Increased by +27.99%
55.8 M
Increased by +985.71%
Increased by +3.31%
Increased by +792.02%
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Beacon Roofing Supply, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, engages in the distribution of residential and non-residential roofing materials, and complementary building products to contractors, home builders, building owners, lumberyards, and retailers in the United States and Canada. The company offers pitched roofing and low slope roof products; gutters and sidings; building materials, such as lumber and composite, skylights and window, plywood and OSB, decking and railing, and HVAC products; and foam board, spray foam, roll, batt, mineral wool, fiberglass, and commercial insulation products, as well as radiant barriers and blown-in insulation and equipment. It also provides membranes and coatings, deck and floor coatings, plaza deck waterproofing products, damp proofing coatings, sealants, waterproofing systems, repair and protection products, firestops, and air and vapor barriers; and tools and equipment, including power and hand tools, ladders and scaffolding, air tools and compressors, nails, screws and fasteners, generators, work wear and safety gear, job site supplies, tool bags and belts, welding and soldering, cleaning supplies, drill bits, and saw blades. The company was founded in 1928 and is headquartered in Herndon, Virginia.