Decreased by -1.57%
Dollar Volume (20D)
24.29 K
Earnings Report Date (estimate)
May 13, 24
Shares Float
1.72 M
Shares Outstanding
2.54 M
Shares Short
30.31 K
Market Cap.
4.86 M
Price / Earnings
20D Range
1.85 2.5
50D Range
1.85 2.72
200D Range
1.72 4.2
  • Quarterly Earnings
  • Annual Earnings
Reported Date EPSChange YoY EstimateSurprise
Oct 6, 23 -0.35
Decreased by -483.83%
Sep 29, 23 -0.37
Decreased by -366.37%
May 15, 23 -0.11
Decreased by -22.22%
Decreased by -37.5%
Feb 17, 23 -0.02
Increased by +81.82%
Increased by +50%
Nov 10, 22 -0.06
Increased by +45.45%
Decreased by -50%
Sep 28, 22 -0.08
Increased by +11.11%
Decreased by -60%
May 13, 22 -0.09
Increased by +93.18%
Decreased by -50%
Feb 18, 22 -0.11
Increased by +91.67%
Decreased by -83.33%
  • Quarterly Financials
  • Annual Financials
Fiscal ending date RevenueChange YoY IncomeChange YoY ProfitChange YoY
Dec 31, 23 41.44 K
Decreased by -82.52%
-905.61 K
Decreased by -27.19%
Decreased by -2.19 K%
Decreased by -627.81%
Sep 30, 23 123 K
Decreased by -56.12%
-948.48 K
Increased by +40.08%
Decreased by -771.13%
Decreased by -36.55%
Jun 30, 23 123 K
Decreased by -21.96%
-948.48 K
Increased by +55.87%
Decreased by -771.13%
Increased by +43.45%
Mar 31, 23 204.59 K
Decreased by -2.35%
-910.52 K
Increased by +59.01%
Decreased by -445.05%
Increased by +58.02%
Dec 31, 22 237.14 K
Increased by +25.35%
-711.99 K
Increased by +69.34%
Decreased by -300.24%
Increased by +75.54%
Sep 30, 22 280.28 K
Increased by +99.22%
-1.58 M
Increased by +33.44%
Decreased by -564.71%
Increased by +66.59%
Jun 30, 22 157.62 K
Decreased by -38.49%
-2.15 M
Decreased by -13.74%
Decreased by -1.36 K%
Decreased by -84.92%
Mar 31, 22 209.52 K
Increased by +4.03%
-2.22 M
Increased by +4.37%
Decreased by -1.06 K%
Increased by +8.08%
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Amesite Inc., an artificial intelligence driven platform and course designer, that provides online products in the United States. The company uses machine learning to offer a mass customized experience to learners. It serves businesses, universities and colleges, K-12 schools, museums, and non-profit organizations. Amesite Inc. was incorporated in 2017 and is headquartered in Detroit, Michigan.