Real Estate

Industries ranking

at least 5 stocks per industry

Price Change
58.92% 37.34%
Price vs SMA50
40.25% 59.75%
Price vs SMA200
52.99% 47.01%
Name BPR Stocks ADR Price Change 20D $Vol 5D $Vol $Vol Change Market Cap. Price to 3D High Price to 20D High Price to 50D High Price to 200D High
REIT - Healthcare Facilities
17 2.5%
Increased by +1.01%
779.53 M 781.02 M
Increased by +0.19%
$126.3 B 98.78% 95.39% 92.04% 83.59%
REIT - Residential
20 2.26%
Increased by +0.47%
1.23 B 1.25 B
Increased by +1.93%
$187.98 B 98.12% 95.8% 95.01% 89.06%
REIT - Mortgage
41 2.4%
Increased by +1.3%
491.38 M 543.17 M
Increased by +10.54%
$54.36 B 98.5% 94.63% 92.99% 85.63%
REIT - Diversified
18 2.36%
Decreased by -0.08%
467.38 M 783.96 M
Increased by +67.74%
$65.24 B 98.04% 94.13% 92.86% 85.93%
REIT - Retail
30 1.91%
Decreased by -0.41%
1.09 B 1.15 B
Increased by +5.05%
$189.88 B 97.96% 94.93% 93.71% 89.53%
REIT - Office
23 3.21%
Increased by +0.23%
480.49 M 490.47 M
Increased by +2.08%
$65.42 B 97.29% 92.89% 87.89% 77.01%
Real Estate Services
33 5.37%
Increased by +0.35%
797.08 M 1.01 B
Increased by +27.07%
$124.41 B 95.74% 86.55% 78.38% 64.51%
REIT - Specialty
19 2.18%
Increased by +0.31%
2 B 1.98 B
Decreased by -0.81%
$350.28 B 98.25% 92.56% 89.71% 85.99%
REIT - Hotel & Motel
14 2.88%
Increased by +0.8%
291.28 M 290.71 M
Decreased by -0.2%
$40.88 B 96.74% 91.67% 87.44% 82.62%
Real Estate - Development
7 4.56%
Increased by +0.87%
21.56 M 20.2 M
Decreased by -6.31%
$7.32 B 96.06% 83.08% 74.2% 70.22%
REIT - Industrial
15 2.37%
Decreased by -0.28%
1.33 B 1.16 B
Decreased by -12.89%
$234.78 B 97.44% 87.2% 85.44% 81.57%

Please note that not all stocks are included in these aggregate results. We exclude stocks with average dollar volume less than 100 000 and ones with extreme BPRs.