
Industries ranking

at least 5 stocks per industry

Price change
65.00% 35.00%
Price vs SMA50
70.00% 30.00%
Price vs SMA200
70.00% 30.00%
Name BPR Stocks ADR Price change 20D $Vol 5D $Vol $Vol change Market cap Price to 3D high Price to 20D high Price to 50D high Price to 200D high
20 1.97%
Increased by +0.29%
147.39 M 137.13 M
Decreased by -6.96%
$37.11 B 98.57% 94.11% 91.79% 86.23%

Please note that not all stocks are included in these aggregate results. We exclude stocks with average dollar volume less than 100 000 and ones with extreme BPRs.